No Remaining Balance
Changing your email address requires multiple verification steps. If your account had no remaining balance, we recommend creating a new account with a new email address instead.
We recommend creating a new account using an email address that you are confident you will not lose access to.
Contact us
To update your email, please get in touch with our customer team by submitting a ticket Here. Please contact us and provide as much information as possible about your account in order to facilitate a quick email change. Details about your recent deposits, trades, balances, and account activity will be very helpful for confirming your identity.
Verification photo
To update your email, we may also require you to submit a verification photo. This ensures that the image is up-to-date and makes it difficult for someone to impersonate you.
The identity verification photograph must include the following:
- Your face (not an old photo of you)
- A handwritten note/paper held next to your face with the word "Coincall", the current date on it, and "Email change from [old email address] to [new email address]"
- The fully legible ID document provided at the time of verification - please make sure all information on the ID is fully legible and that no part of the ID is covered
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