When you set up Two-Factor Authentication, you were prompted to save a 16-character recovery code and corresponding QR code. These can be used to set up a new 2FA device. By installing an Authenticator app on your new phone or tablet, you will be able to scan your saved QR code or 2FA recovery code and enter your Coincall account again. Follow the steps below to proceed with this process:
1. Retrieve the backup code that you saved at the time of setting up 2FA with your older phone. This document has the recovery key that you can now use to restore the Coincall account on your Authenticator app.
2. You’ll need to again add a Coincall account in your authenticator app and either manually enter the 16-digit recovery key or scan the barcode using the app.
3. You may now continue using your Coincall account by entering the 6-digit code shown on your Authenticator app.
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